CFE's General Assembly re-elects Stephen Coleclough as a President and elects new Executive Board

On 24th September 2010, General Assembly of the CFE in Prague re-elected Stephen Coleclough (UK) as CFE President for a two-year term starting on 1st January 2011. Henk Koller (the Netherlands) was elected to CFE Vice President while the Vice Presidents Herbert Becherer (Germany) and Jiří Nekovář (Czech Republic) were re-elected. Gottfried Schellmann (Austria) will continue to be in charge of the CFE Fiscal Committee while the CFE Professional Affairs Committee will be chaired by Ian Hayes (UK). The new Secretary-General will be Nora Schmidt-Keßeler (Germany), succeeding the current office holder Heinrich Weiler (Germany) who has retired after 15 years with the CFE and 33 years working with the CFE. Treasurer Dominique Gaveau (France) was also re-elected.

Stephen Coleclough said

“I am pleased to have such a strong capable board to continue the work of the CFE, with the current economic climate the need to ensure that governments collect the tax they are due but also to guard against them collecting more, in an efficient and cost effective way, is more important than ever and tax advisers have a pivotal role in this process.”

CFE welcomes 2 new full members

The General Assembly of the CFE has unanimously approved the applications of the French professional association “Avocats Conseils d'Enterprises” (ACE) and Suomen Veroasiantuntijat” (Association of Finnish Tax Professionals) to join the CFE as full members. CFE now has 33 members from 24 countries of which three are observers.

For more information contact:

CFE Brussels office

Uta Gayer, Head of Office

188A, Av. De Tervuren

B-1150 Bruxelles

tel:+32 2 761 00 91 / fax: 032 2 761 00 90 /


Note for Editors:

The CFE is the umbrella organisation of the tax adviser profession in Europe. It was founded in the year 1959 and embraces 33 national organisations from 24 European states and within them over 180,000 tax advisers. CFE consider its functions to be to safeguard the professional interests of tax advisers and to assure the quality of tax services provided by tax advisers and to exchange information about national tax laws and professional law and to contribute to coordination respectively of tax law in Europe.


Traducere în limba română:



În data de 24 septembrie 2010, Adunarea Generală a CFE reunită la Praga, l-a reales pe Stephen Coleclough (Marea Britanie) ca preşedinte al CFE, pe un mandat de doi ani, începând cu data de 1 ianuarie 2011. Henk Koller (Olanda) a fost ales ca vicepreşedinte al CFE, în timp ce vicepreşedintele  Herbert Becherer (Germania) şi Jiří Nekovář(Cehia) au fost realeşi. Gottfried Scellmann (Austria) va continua să fie în fruntea Comitetului Fiscal al CFE, iar Comitetul Profesional de Afaceri va fi condus de Ian Hayes (Marea Britanie). Noul secretar general va fi Nora Schmidt-Keßeler (Germania), succedând pe pe actualul deţinător al postului Heinrich Weiler (Germania) care s-a pensionat după 15 ani în CFE şi 33 ani lucrând cu CFE. Trezorierul Dominique Gaveau (Franţa) a fost de asemenea reales.


Din cuvântul domnului Preşedinte Stephen Coleclough:

"Sunt bucuros să am un astfel de Consiliu de administraţie solid şi capabil să continue munca la CFE, în actualul climat economic  în care este necesar, pe de o parte, să asiguri încasarea taxelor datorate statului, pe de altă parte, să protejezi împotriva colectării lor în plus, într-un mod eficient şi rentabil, fiind mai important, decât oricând, rolul esenţial al consultanţilor fiscali în acest proces."

CFE urează bun-venit celor doi noi membri cu drepturi depline:

Adunarea Generală a CFE a aprobat în unanimitate cererile Asociaţiei profesionale franceze "Avocats Conseils d'Enterprises" (ACE) şi Asociaţiei Profesioniştilor fiscali finlandezi „Suomen Veroasiantuntijat" să adere la CFE ca membri cu drepturi depline. În prezent CFE numără 33 de membri din 24 de ţări, din care, trei sunt observatori.


Pentru mai multe informaţii contactaţi:

CFE birou Bruxelles
Uta Gayer, Biroul Central Bruxelles

188A, Av. De Tervuren

B-1150 Bruxelles

tel:+32 2 761 00 91 / fax: 032 2 761 00 90 /


Notă pentru Editori:

CFE este organizaţia coordonatoare a profesiei de consultant fiscal în Europa. A fost fondată în anul 1959 şi  cuprinde 33 de organizaţii naţionale din 24 de state europene, cu peste 180.000 de consultanţi fiscali. CFE consideră că funcţiile  sale sunt de a proteja interesele profesionale ale consultanţilor fiscali,  de a asigura calitatea serviciilor oferite de consultanţii fiscali, precum şi de a face schimb de informaţii referitoare la legile fiscale naţionale şi legile profesionale şi să contribuie la coordonarea respectivelor legi fiscale în Europa.



CFE's General Assembly re-elects Stephen Coleclough as a President and elects new Executive Board

On 24th September 2010, General Assembly of the CFE in Prague re-elected Stephen Coleclough (UK) as CFE President for a two-year term starting on 1st January 2011. Henk Koller (the Netherlands) was elected to CFE Vice President while the Vice Presidents Herbert Becherer (Germany) and Jiří Nekovář (Czech Republic) were re-elected. Gottfried Schellmann (Austria) will continue to be in charge of the CFE Fiscal Committee while the CFE Professional Affairs Committee will be chaired by Ian Hayes (UK). The new Secretary-General will be Nora Schmidt-Keßeler (Germany), succeeding the current office holder Heinrich Weiler (Germany) who has retired after 15 years with the CFE and 33 years working with the CFE. Treasurer Dominique Gaveau (France) was also re-elected.

Stephen Coleclough said

“I am pleased to have such a strong capable board to continue the work of the CFE, with the current economic climate the need to ensure that governments collect the tax they are due but also to guard against them collecting more, in an efficient and cost effective way, is more important than ever and tax advisers have a pivotal role in this process.”

CFE welcomes 2 new full members

The General Assembly of the CFE has unanimously approved the applications of the French professional association “Avocats Conseils d'Enterprises” (ACE) and Suomen Veroasiantuntijat” (Association of Finnish Tax Professionals) to join the CFE as full members. CFE now has 33 members from 24 countries of which three are observers.

For more information contact:

CFE Brussels office

Uta Gayer, Head of Office

188A, Av. De Tervuren

B-1150 Bruxelles

tel:+32 2 761 00 91 / fax: 032 2 761 00 90 /


Note for Editors:

The CFE is the umbrella organisation of the tax adviser profession in Europe. It was founded in the year 1959 and embraces 33 national organisations from 24 European states and within them over 180,000 tax advisers. CFE consider its functions to be to safeguard the professional interests of tax advisers and to assure the quality of tax services provided by tax advisers and to exchange information about national tax laws and professional law and to contribute to coordination respectively of tax law in Europe.

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